Friday, September 15, 2006

Kauai Update, Part 4B - What I Learned

Dear Friends and Family,

I've signed up to give blood today. Mr. mouse is very proud of me. He called me the second I wrote him to tell him.

So, what else did I learn while on vacation?

As most or all of you know, I've been on Weight Watchers since February of this year. And, I consistently lose, on average, about a pound a week. I don't have a lot of mirrors at home. And, I don't spend a lot of time looking in the mirrors I do have. With the weight coming off as slowly as it has, it's tough to realize you're making progress.

This was the first "vacation" trip we've taken since February. Looking at the photos, I can see the difference, finally. I can see that I've lost weight. I can see progress. It felt so good. It made all of the hard work worthwhile. It motivated me for all the hard work to come. Yeah, mouse!

Another observation I made is that if we had taken this trip a couple of months ago, say in early July, it would have been a completely different trip. I remember stressing pretty badly over food and social situations over the spring and summer. Now, granted time with Mr. mouse is hardly a social situation. He knows what I eat and what I don't eat. And, more importantly, I still pretty much control the menu. In July, I would have stressed pretty badly. I didn't. I made it through Kauai without getting bent out of shape about food.

That being said. I'm also more in tune with my body. I can still feel Kauai affecting my metabolism. Granted, I didn't gain any weight on vacation, even with all of the different foods we ate. But, I "know" that I won't lose much weight over the next four weeks. I'll be "good" but won't see progress. Then, my body will sort itself out again and I'll be "rewarded" for "good" behavior. The time lag is weird, but it's okay. It's part of my body's rhythm, and I can anticipate it, so it's okay.

Enough about food. Onto my ankle... The last time I was in Hawaii was early 2005. I had a bum ankle and had my surgery scheduled for just after my return from the trip. The surgery was a huge success and the physical therapy an even bigger success. It couldn't have gone more smoothly. So, I was curious to see how it'd hold up on this trip.

I was definitely aware of the ankle when we were at Queen's Bath. The uneven rock formations would have been my absolute undoing last year. But, this year, they tired my ankle out, but I made it through them just fine. To be honest, I could have used better shoes, but, I managed in my trusty Chacos. Note to self, time to replace the Chacos.

That afternoon, on Kee Beach, my ankle hurt pretty badly when I was walking in the super wet sand, the kind that pulls your foot in and makes little sucking sounds when you pull your feet up. I was also goofing around with walking stride and foot positioning and everything which was probably the straw the broke the proverbial camel's back. But, I left the beach with a bad limp. The next morning, was all better.

Next time, I'll wear better shoes. And, I think I'll be fine.

Still, signs of progress.

Wish me luck on the blood donation today.


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