Friday, May 02, 2008

Vegetable Garden Update

Dear Friends and Family,

My vegetable garden is slowly coming in. Both zucchini have sprouted and grown two leaves. Five cantaloupe plants have broken through the surface and are now nice and distinct from the weeds in the container. And, the tomatoes. Well, we'll see about the tomatoes. There's something growing in the container. It's growing in a straight line. But, so far, it's not really distinguishable from the weeds that are/were growing in the cantaloupe planter. If they grow, great. If not, then two out of three ain't all that bad for a first time self confessed black thumb.

Fortunately, spring seems to have finally sprung, so I think the danger of frost is finally past. And, to make life even better, it's Friday!


PS: Have decided salad for either lunch or dinner until I get back to goal weight. If the scale doesn't trend in the right direction on Tuesday, I may go back to counting.

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