Thursday, May 01, 2008


Dear Friends and Family,

In my quest to see if I can get back to goal weight without counting points, I've come up with a new mantra:

What Would A Balanced Person Do?

A balanced person would approach life in moderation. Not too much. Not too little. If the scale registered heavy, they would eat more salad and skip dessert. If the scale registered light, they may treat themselves to a little something they wouldn't normally have, but only a little. They wouldn't gorge. I'll see if it works, so far it's been useful.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

this feels good to me. i jumped back to the online ww and am counting points again. that scale scared the crap out of me and although I know it was stressed out, overwhelmed weight that I put on, I feel like I HAVE TO GET IT OFF RIGHT NOW or I'll never shake it off again. i also know that's a bit irrational but it's how i feel. i'm hoping this week off will really give me time to work on this. so i'm with ya sister. xoxox