Tuesday, September 23, 2008

09.23.08 (Week 7, Day 4): Emergency Visit 2

Dear Friends and Family,

Where to begin? Perhaps, oddly enough, let's begin at the ending. Mr. mouse and I just got home from dinner. I had my prenatal vitamins. Pioneer is doing fine, so far.

Rewind to earlier today...
  • cramps so bad I couldn't hold a conversation
  • bleeding that included clots and other nasty looking solids
  • cramps so bad I couldn't focus on work
Followed by...
  • another race to get downtown
  • another pelvic exam
  • another ultrasound
What does all this mean? More rest, less stress, a follow-up exam on Monday which Mr. mouse needs to schedule. And, for now, just hanging tough and trying to let the body heal. Continued monitoring to see if the cramping and/or bleeding take a turn for the worse. (TMI alert: so far it's been mostly dark brown with just a couple of spots of red yesterday.) No exercise. No intercourse. And, added today, no heavy lifting.

The curious part was at today's ultrasound they noticed two subchorionic bleeding points. Yesterday's ultrasound only picked up one. We don't know if this means I've developed a second bleeding point or if yesterday's ultrasound missed one. And, to top it all off, the nurse practitioner has me binned in the "threatened miscarriage" bucket for insurance purposes. Great.


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