Monday, September 29, 2008

09.29.08: Wedding Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

I made it back home and I'm still in one piece...

We drove down on Thursday for the family dinner at PF Chang's.

Friday, we spent the morning with my mom and then my aunt and cousin. Afternoon was the rehearsal at three, followed by an airport run to pick up my dad, my uncle and my other cousin at five, rehearsal dinner at seven and sleep at ten.

Saturday dawned bright and early. Nails, hair, makeup at nine. Then, we hung out at my sister's hotel room waiting for the photographer. We helped my sister dress, sent her off, wolfed down lunch, squeezed me into my dress and shoes, loaded the bouquets into the car and headed over for pictures.

The wedding was beautiful. The reception was a lot of fun. I had the chance to catch up with my cousin and to get to know one of the bridesmaids while Mr. mouse spent the evening taking pictures.

Sunday arrived and we met my parents, uncle and cousin for breakfast. Then, we spent some time walking downtown before loading them into a cab for the airport. We dropped by the museum and the creamery on our way home.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. My only question is... why do I get so upset when everyone assumes Mr. mouse is the shuttle bus operator for the weekend? Why are they so helpless?!?!


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