Monday, April 13, 2009

04.13.08: Weekend with the Neighbors

Dear Friends and Family,

Dear Friends and Family,

We went in for our doctor's appointment on Friday. It seems like we're past the "anxious doctor" phase. The doctor told us that we're far enough along that the two primary reasons we should be calling are 1. bag of water breaks -OR- 2. contractions lasting 1 - 1.5 minutes, 3 - 5 minutes apart, severe enough that I can't walk or talk through them.

Cervix status? 2-3 centimeters dilated, 70% effaced, baby at -1 station.

Fundal height? No change from last week. Pioneer may be small. They may just be sitting so low that the measurement is becoming less relevant.

Other news? They took our strep B test on Friday. The results are good for 5 weeks so there's a chance we'll need to repeat it if Pioneer is late, but given how it's all progressing, the doctor thought it was a good idea to take it sooner rather than later.

The rest of the weekend? Our neighbors came to visit for a long weekend. Wednesday, we went out for dinner together. Thursday, we got a smorgasbord of tacos and other Mexican delights and ate in.

Friday morning, Mr. mouse and I packed "the bag" (as a precautionary, Murphy's Law measure) and we headed to the doctor's office for our weekly appointment. Then, we met up with the neighbors for lunch (burgers and fries) before splitting for the afternoon. Mr. mouse did the park and a sculpture garden with them while I returned to the hospital for a follow-up breast ultrasound (results came back good).

We squeezed in happy hour with our neighbors' friends before bundling up for a baseball game. The temperature hovered between 30 and 35 degrees, but the game was a lot of fun to watch. I may be slowly choosing a baseball allegiance. Sox ball seems like hardcore baseball while Cubs ball seems like social baseball. We headed to Chinatown for dinner after the game. The soup was great for warming us all up.

Saturday morning, we bought the car seat and stroller. Then, we split to the afternoon. Our neighbors headed over to Lincoln Park for the zoo and other miscellanea while Mr. mouse and I headed over for our last class. I have to say Pioneer really liked the breastfeeding class. They were up and moving the whole time. Funny.

We met back up for dinner at Due which has become a tradition for us. Then came home to watch the Masters on TiVO.

Sunday, we all piled into the car and drove up to watch a lacrosse game - Northwestern vs. Penn State. It was a beautiful day to spend in the sun. Then, we came home, made dinner and watched more golf. We dropped The Mom and The Daughter off at the airport and came home to watch the rest of the Masters. (The Dad's here one more night, he has a work meeting today by the airport.)

I started getting more serious Braxton-Hicks contractions Sunday evening - lasting longer and becoming more frequent, although none of them lasted 1 - 1.5 minutes, and they weren't 3 - 5 minutes apart. And, I could definitely walk and talk through them. One day at a time.


Our Master Check List
  • pick Pioneer's middle name, if any
  • Pioneer's shopping list
  • sign up for childcare
  • figure out my summer schedule
  • hang curtains
For after Pioneer is Born
  • thank you cards
  • birth announcements
  • figure out nanny plans
  • will/estate plan
  • check life insurance
  • add Pioneer to insurance plans and beneficiary info
  • plan June weekend
  • hang wall art
  • figure out changing table area
  • get my parents to do their research on name options
lots of good progress over the weekend...

1 comment:

Trixie said...

Everything sounds like it's progressing beautifully. Your comments about the tiny bump factor cracked me up! This is one of those areas where mom and baby weight gains aren't correlated as much as we thought. As long as you're both healthy and content, enjoy these days with Pioneer. :). xoxoxoxo