Thursday, April 02, 2009

Re-Inspired, Re-Energized and Re-Committed to Be Green

Dear Friends and Family,

Last night, Mr. mouse and I got the chance to hear Al Gore speak.

And, I'm realized I needed to get over the guilt and step on my carbon footprint scale. I've been drinking bottled drinks. And, we've been keeping the house warm. And, I've been driving when I need to. And, I've had diapers looming in my future. And, A/C for Pioneer. And, I just thought, my goodness, I can't do this!

Well, I can. Okay, I don't think I'll ever be able to convince Mr. mouse to use cloth diapers. But, that doesn't mean I can't be doing my part to try to make this world a better place for Pioneer when they grow up. Al Gore reminded me last night that at the rate we're going, the summer polar ice cap will be a distant memory within the next five years, before Pioneer even goes to school.

I'm going to do my part to slow or reverse that trend.


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