Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Tax Refund, Yeah!

Dear Friends and Family,

I know. I know. If I were a rational economist, I would want as large a tax bill as legally possible without incurring the wrath of Uncle Sam. Why loan the government money tax free? Right? Well, I'm not a 100% rational. I like getting a refund at the end of the year - it's much easier to plan for. And, since no one's getting a bonus this year, it's my poor substitute for one.

I toyed with what to do with my new found windfall.
  1. be selfish and splurge
  2. be responsible and invest it
  3. defer decision
Yep. That's how my mind works - discrete choices.

Ultimately, I decided to send half of it to the bank to take another bite out of the mortgage. And, I put the other half in our money market account. We can use it this month to buy a bunch of stuff for Pioneer that we're are relatively certain we'll need (e.g. car seat and stroller). If I were really "good," I guess I'd save all of it. But, I'm okay with the compromise I made.


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