Monday, January 11, 2010

01.11.10: Cleaning and Organizing

Dear Friends and Family,

Nothing like a crawling baby to force you to organize the house.

Actually, we've been chipping away at it since we got back from Christmas. And, we're finally beginning to make progress. Why is it that horizontal surfaces always seem to be a dumping ground? It drives me crazy. If it were just me, I'd be ruthless about clearing through it all. But, as a family, we create it faster than I can clear it. Sigh.

Saturday, we took P out for a walk. Then, a friend from work came over and watched P while we cleaned house. Sunday, Mr. mouse took an errand day while I stayed at home with P.

P has a bad cold with a runny and stuffy nose. She's been coughing and warm to the touch. And, to top it off, she's been gagging and prone to vomiting. Excellent.

What's new with our eight month old? She tries to hold her own bottle now, but usually gets the angle all wrong. She wraps her arms around your neck in the most endearing way when you carry her. She crawls to you when you're working in the kitchen. She stretches her neck to peer over the counter when she thinks Mr. mouse is on the other side. She's gotten good at both pulling herself into an upright position and slowing sitting back down. She stands in her crib rattling the side bars if she's unhappy. She likes to sleep in total darkness with her sleep sack. She's begun drooling. And, after a growth spurt over the holidays, she's plateaued again.

I could write about her ad infinitum, but it's time to get ready for work.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

well this sounds like such fun. i can't wait to see her!!