Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ear Infection

Dear Friends and Family,

P got "sent home" from school yesterday with a "fever" of 100.2.

Just in case, we scheduled a doctor's appointment and covered the symptoms (see yesterday's post) and the news from school:
  • labored breathing
  • tugging at the ear
  • other kids in her room with ear infections
  • other kid in her room with RSV and brochilitis
The doctor did a quick check for wheezing. Then, we sat down for the talk. Then, he started the more thorough exam and was just getting to the last check and wouldn't you know it... her right ear was infected.

Amoxicillin is our friend - except P threw up her morning dosage. Mr. mouse is at home with her for the morning. I've got the afternoon shift.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

aaaah, babies and their ears. no fun. i hope she starts feeling better before the visitors start their descent. or she's gonna hate us for complicating her recovery! xoxox (feeel better P)