Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Okay, How Would That Work?

Dear Friends and Family,

My ankle still bothers me on and off. And, it's bad enough that I'm willing to see someone about it. But, if it needs surgery (again) then I think I'm in a bind. I'm pretty sure the pain medication would make it no go for P. So, I need to think about that all before making a decision on my treatment. I guess if it's merely broken, then all I would require is a cast. Excellent.

I would give a fair amount to be able to wind back the clock and do those 15 seconds all over again. I worked so hard on rehab for my ankle and I was so happy with the results. To have the injury last summer just sucks. I don't blame P for it. I was frazzled and not being careful. It's my mom scar, I guess. Some women have stretch marks, others have freckles. I have my ankle. Excellent.

Well, I'll ask my old doctor for a recommendation and we'll go from there, I guess.


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