Friday, January 22, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,

I have either swine flu or bird flu or SARS. I'm going with retro trendy SARS. I've been coughing and sneezing and runny nosed and headache and tired all week. Wait a sec! I've got whatever P had last week. Sigh.

P's been in and out of daycare all of January. She hasn't had a full week since sometime in December. Mr. mouse and I have been trading off taking time off with her. Really, this week I should have since I'm sick as well. But, it's so hectic at work I've been bringing it in with me. I'm sure my colleagues love me for it.

This weekend will be a good time to get some rest and hopefully throw this cold - that and to convince Mr. mouse to bring the tables down from the party to the basement. He LOVES the horizontal surfaces. They drive me crazy. We aren't going to come to consensus on this one. They're going or I'm losing it.

Okay. Happy Friday. And, in twelve more hours it'll be the weekend and I can curl up with P and a cup of tea.


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