Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Creamery

Dear Friends and Family,

Or, really, new moms out there.

P is eight months old soon. And, the milk thing is getting complicated.

We're still cycling through old milk in the freezer. It's been tough to keep up on a single container a day so I upped it recently to two containers a day. Then, I freeze two a day so our fresh supply doesn't get out of control and so that we have frozen supply for the upcoming months.

I've been slowly reducing her bottles to transition her to solid foods. Since she gets three bottles a day at school (and then I nurse her twice at home) the math has been easy - every 10 days (on the 10th, 20th and end of month) I drop one bottle one ounce.

And, now, to keep it all interesting. Since her bottle size is dropping, I get to contemplate dropping my pumping time. I've been tempted to drop work time. But, truth be told, the mental math got too complicated on that one because I pump twice at work, but feed three times over the weekend. Plus, to be even more honest, sleep won over work, so I'll be reducing my 10PM pumping session - three minutes a week over the next month.

I've come to the realization that at eight months, I'll be two thirds of the way through this whole adventure. Then, she can transition to whole milk. Funny, I may miss the bonding that comes with spending the time together in the morning and evenings.

I won't miss pumping at work. I don't think.


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