Friday, January 15, 2010

The Race to Toddlerhood

Dear Friends and Family,

P is standing at the gate watching Mr. mouse on his computer. Nope, now she's crawled to her toy box and is pulling books out to play with. She's begun "cruising" walking around holding onto something. And, she's become very vocal.

I feel like toddlerhood is just around the corner with cups and table food and walking and talking. Since the months keep going faster and faster, I'm sure I'll blink and it'll be May and we'll be planning her first birthday party.

For now, we're enjoying the current plateau we worked so diligently to reach... two little chompers, stage 2 foods, smaller bottles, crawling, babbling, sleeping for longer stretches... 14-ish pounds. She was stuck at 12-ish for the longest time and it was fun enjoy that stage of watching her interact with her toys and sit up and stuff. Then she skipped 13 and most of 14. And, now she's plateauing again (it could be her cold that's driving the plateau).

Okay. Mr. mouse is annoyed. He wants to use P's room as the kids' play area during the party. I don't want to. I'm annoyed that he's annoyed - what gives him the right to get annoyed every time he doesn't get his way? Huh?

Time to get some work done before beginning the party prep.


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