Friday, December 17, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse is beginning to research real estate properties which must mean he's beginning to feel better about work. I think he's leaning towards taking a position at work, even if it's a demotion, and slogging it out until either A. the economy improves or B. we save enough for retirement.

The current calendar has us working until somewhere around the end of 2017 which seems like a long time away from now, but if you think about how quickly this past year went, it's not all that far into the future.

I think he thought the date was much further out than that. But, with seven years separating him from spending his days with P, I think he's willing to try to make that date stick. We'll see how the numbers play out between now and then. Another 2008 could hit us and then it'd be back to the drawing board again.

Well, we'll see how this month ends and 2011 begins.


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