Monday, February 13, 2012

02.13.12: Happy Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Where do the weekends go? Oh, I know. I downloaded The Hunger Games for "free" and it took a good piece of the weekend to read through it. I think I'll have to pace myself for the next book. As it is, I need to wait until March 1 to download it since this is a Amazon Prime free thing.

Saturday, we took P to the park to go sledding, but there wasn't enough snow to sled down the hill, so we walked around in the snow instead. P has fun getting pulled by Mr. mouse and me. And, she attempted to pull Mr. mouse on the sled which was quite funny. At some point, she almost fell asleep on the sled while I was pulling her, and that's when we decided it was time to finish up. She had this groggy look of I'm not sleeping, I'm just resting, pull me some more, what's going on, on her face.

Oh, and she took a tumble down the stairs trying to walk in her snowsuit and boots, but I won't spend a lot of time on that here. Suffice it to say, I think it scared her more than anything else. And, it scared us as well.

Sunday, we took P to the museum to see the dinosaurs. But, she had no interest in them. Instead, we spent the afternoon playing in the family play lab with the drums and the pretend corn and the microscope and since we got in for free, it wasn't a bad use of the afternoon. Now, if we had paid $30 for the three of us, that would have been a different story altogether.

And, now, it's Monday. And, it's half way through February. How am I doing against my three goals?
  • eating right
  • spending time with family
  • spending time with friends
Let's see. This weekend we went to a Mardi Gras party. That was a good time with friends. We had dinner with Auntie Janet which is more time with friends. We went to the park and the museum which is time with family. And, we'll see how the weigh-in goes tomorrow. The eating wasn't stellar, but it was within the bounds of acceptable.


PS: First day without a nap on Sunday. P was tired by end of day, but she made it through without a meltdown. In hindsight, I should have let her sleep at 2 when we got to the museum.

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