Monday, February 20, 2012

02.20.12: Monopoly Money

Dear Friends and Family,

After a crazy week, I needed a quiet weekend.

Saturday, we did the usual morning routine of getting P fed, exercised, and read to. And, we went for a little walk looking for a present for my sister who is due in May.

The afternoon was spent in the laziest way possible. Mr. mouse took P for a walk and I climbed into bed and took a long afternoon nap. I needed that after the week. Really. Every day this past week was something. A nap was just what the doctor ordered.

Sunday, we went for a walk in the park. We fed the geese and the ducks while successfully avoiding the overly eager squirrel. I'm still edgy around squirrels after the squirrel incident (there was an angry mommy squirrel protecting her nest in the power meter box). Then, P napped while Mr. mouse did grocery shopping and I read book 2 of the Hunger Games.

We finished off the day by going out to dinner. P did well, but not as well as she used to. I think we need to go to some new places. She does well in places she knows. New places tend to try her. Time to continue expanding our horizons.

And, now, it's Monday. Hopefully it's a quiet week at work. I need a quiet week at work. I really do.

The title of the post? Oh. On Sunday, I looked at how our accounts were doing and we're a third of the way to retirement. It's not real money since I can't go out an spend it tomorrow and there's no telling what it'll be worth when we do retire. But, it's money that still made me happy.


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