Monday, May 13, 2013

05.13.13: Happy Birthday, P!

Dear Friends and Family,

Saturday was the big day - P's fourth birthday party. And, while there were a couple of moments when I thought it was going to fall apart, overall, it went without a hitch. Kids were entertained. Parents were entertained. Everyone was fed. Cake was eaten. Venue was paid.

Having a station wagon was nice. Having my mom here to help was even nicer. P was super excited about turning four. I was a little sad to see my three-year-old turn four, but I put on a brave face for her. It's just that I don't want to wake up one day and wonder where the years have gone.

Sunday I went to church with my mom. We went out for pizza afterwards. And, then we stopped by a church for some quick pictures and a park to let P run around. By two o'clock we were home and I slept for four hours. It felt so good to sleep.

Mr. mouse cooked dinner. We did hand and foot prints for P. And, wrapped up the evening reading stories in bed. All in all, a great weekend.

Now that that's all behind us, time to focus. Time to get cracking on the legal stuff. First off, I need to compile a list of what I need. Then we need to find a lawyer. Time to get cracking.


PS: I twisted my ankle last night, but that's just between you and me.

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