Friday, May 03, 2013

Friday on Three Hours Sleep, Two Nights in a Row

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, I asked for an epiphany yesterday and I think I got one.

The traffic was miserable. P was miserable. I was exhausted. I found out there's a leadership workshop kicking off that my managers either didn't bother nominating me for or didn't think I was ready for. And, putting it all together with my promised raise not coming through left me in a terrible mood by the time I got home.

What does all that add up to? It means I have 14 weeks left at work after today. It also means I need to get busy with estate planning and stuff between now and 14 weeks from now since I have legal coverage at work that makes that kind of stuff free. I like free.

Somehow, I think when I go to quit, there's going to be a lot of drama. I know there's no one else in the company that can do what I do. I would like it if they respect my decision and let me leave without a bunch of drama. I'd hate it if that's when they wake up and appreciate me. I just don't like those kinds of relationships.

I don't like it personally. I don't like it professionally. 14 and counting.


PS: I reserve the right to change my mind at least a dozen times between now and Labor Day - which means yesterday was helpful, but not an epiphany. Sigh.

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