Thursday, May 16, 2013

One Small Step

Dear Friends and Family,

I think I may be turning into a conservative. I'm still for marriage equality. I'm still pro-choice and anti-gun, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm a little more conservative than I was even a couple of days ago.

I'm don't know where you draw the line in the sand about at-fault and not-at-fault. I'm okay with not-at-fault people getting aid, temporary aid or even permanent aid. I'm beginning to be not okay with not-at-fault people getting aid. Why should I need to work my duff off to help someone who isn't willing to help themselves? Not at fault? I'm willing to chip in. That's being humane.

It's a fuzzy line, but one I'm beginning to think more about. And, it all started with my mom saying she's getting a job to support my brother. After much conversation with my sister and with Mr. mouse I landed on the fact that I'm okay with my mom getting a job if that's the choice she makes. I'd prefer for her to kick my brother out, but if she can't, then it should be her free choice to get a job to support him if she wants to. I shouldn't judge her for her choice. Nor should I feel like I need to contribute to a bad situation and enable it further. This is their decision to make - my mother's and my brother's, not mine nor my sister's.

But, it leads to more questions. Why isn't my brother able to work? He's 33. He's in good health. He can claim he's a student, and that he works in the hospital during some portion of the year. But, why can't he work during the rest of the time? Are there no jobs? None at all? Or it is something else? I feel like it's something else.

My sister told me she's offered to help him become an x-ray tech. It pays good money. But, apparently, it isn't prestigious enough for my brother. And, apparently, living at home off of mom and dad is? It's twisted logic at best. And, why can't he get a job, some job, any job, even if it's a sad job that pays minimum wage? Why can't he get that job? If there's zero jobs to be had, then, I guess my perspective would be different. But, I know there are jobs. I just believe there are jobs. There must be jobs, if only he were willing to look and to take one.

Then, there's the question of the mountain of debt he's taken on in pursuing his dream. How's he going to pay that off? Those student loans would wipe out most of my parents' savings and I'm certainly not willing to take them on. I feel like my brother should be a functioning member of society and needs to take some personal responsibility for his actions. If he can't, then I don't feel like, we, as a society, owe him. Do we owe him shelter or food or medicine? I'm not sure. It sounds cruel, but I'm just not sure anymore.

Time for more navel gazing.


PS: I also am beginning to think not-at-fault people should give up some rights to receive permanent aid. I'm not sure how or why, but I'm beginning to think that way.

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