Tuesday, May 28, 2013

05.28.13: Soggy and Cold Memorial Day Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Saturday, I slept until 11:30 in the morning. It felt fabulous.

Then, we went to back to back birthday parties. The first for one of P's friends, the second for one of P's friend's mom. Both were tons of fun. Both were outdoors. The only thing not cooperating was the weather. It was cold and wet. But, we managed to stay dry and enjoy ourselves.

Sunday, I went to church. We watched F1 Monaco. Um. I don't remember where the rest of the day went.

Monday, we went to the museum and played with corn and saw the Ancient Egypt exhibit. We packed a picnic lunch and saved money and ate healthier. I like spending time with P. She was pretty sad last night. She wanted more stay at home days. At some point I will be able to tell her that she'll have lots of stay at home time in the future. But, I haven't told her yet.

We spent a lot of time on Sunday and Monday reenacting parts of the party. P play acted the pinata scene with some streamers and a roll of wrapping paper. She play acted grabbing all of the candy with some pimmels (packing material) we got in a package. She play acted the blindfolded pin the tail on the donkey and even let us spin her. I think these things let her internalize her experience so that it's not all foreign when she encounters it again at another party.

It was just too much fun.


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