Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, Glorious Friday

Dear Friends and Family,

I think once I'm not working, I'm going to spend a lot more time doing purposeful stuff. And, sadly, it's not because work takes up so much time. It's that I spend so much time driving. And, driving takes up so much energy.

I'm looking forward to eating breakfast on the kitchen island. It'll be the same breakfast I eat today. But, it'll still be different. Instead of eating it out of an Tupperware container with a spare fork, I can eat it out of a beautiful glass bowl with one of our real forks. Instead of eating in an institutional cubicle, I can eat in a beautiful home. Instead of reading emails, I can read a book. See? So much better.

I'm going to be very deliberate about my habits. I think I'll come home from school drop-off, load the washer, unload the dishwasher, and then have breakfast. That way, I'll already be mentally "started" on my day when I'm done with breakfast. And, I'll have reinforced to myself that food isn't the first priority, it's something to be enjoyed it its own due time.

And, after breakfast? Um. Give me a bit to think about that. I'll think of something in the next eleven weeks.


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