Monday, May 12, 2014

05.12.14: Birthday Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

We woke Saturday morning to a birthday double header. P's friend's party was in the morning and P's party was in the afternoon. All the parents dutifully got their kids ready for back to back birthday parties and the parents and kids were troopers in getting through the day. Fortunately, the weather was great, so we had a little after-party in the park and an even longer after-party on our deck.

I enjoyed P's party thoroughly. The only tough part was trying to find time to spend with all of the disparate groups of people. There's P's school friends, her old school friends, one friend whose parents work with Mr. mouse, one friend whose parents I used to work with, one friend whose parents I used to work with but not at the same time as the other friend I used to work with, and the list goes on. If they all knew each other then they can all talk together. But, since they don't, I felt a little like a person at a wedding trying to get a few words in with each group. Still, I enjoyed it and I'm hoping the kids and the parents did as well.

Sunday was a quieter day. We went to church and the park. We opened presents and let P play with her crutches. We went out for dinner. We forgot to do her hand prints, foot prints, and height chart. I guess we'll have to do those this week.

And, now, we have a five-year-old in the house. She's a big kid now. And, I've got a semi-normal week ahead of me. Actually, it's not really a semi-normal week. It's actually quite packed. But, it's more normal than any week has been since mid-March so I'll take it. Time to try and catch up from the mountain of stuff I've been putting off.


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