Friday, May 02, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

I just need to get through today and some sanity will return to my life.

Yesterday, I dashed out the door with P and Mr. mouse. We went on our field trip which was awesome. I stayed for lunch duty. I dashed back for lunch with a friend. I dashed back for pick up. We had dance.

Today, I have breakfast with another friend. Then, I need to dash to pick up mail. Then, I need to dash to lunch with a third friend. Then, I need to dash to school for a sing along special in the classroom. Then, I can relax for the afternoon. Except, I need to figure out when to order P's birthday present. Then, I can relax for the afternoon.

Next week and the week after will be hectic with P's birthday and my mom visiting. Then, then, I think I can get a break. Then, I can really relax.

I need to learn to not over schedule. Then, I can really relax. Except I like to see my friends and they seem to come in waves.


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