Tuesday, May 27, 2014

05.27.14: 39 Thank You Cards Later...

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Tuesday, and P is back in school for three more days. Where did the year go?

Saturday, P and I got haircuts. Then, we headed over to a friend's house for a play date. Fortunately, the weather was nice and we spent a couple of hours in the park. Then, we went back to their house for time on the deck. Our friend has a gorgeous place, and I was a little intimidated the first time I went over. But, as I've gotten to know her better, I realize she has the kindest of hearts, and I love her for it. The play date extended into dinner and by the time we got home it was time for bed.

Sunday, we went to a baseball game. It was blistering hot out and P spent most of her time away from the seats. She got her face painted. She got a balloon animal. She ate ice cream. She ran the bases. She was entertained. And, I got to watch the game.

Monday, we tackled the rest of the thank you cards. P's gotten a nasty habit of procrastinating. She'll put up a fight before we get down to the business of doing work. It's a royal pain in the neck, dealing with it. This time it was close to two hours for two cards.

Mr. mouse and I didn't want to deal with any more procrastination so we plowed through all 14 cards for P's teachers. Add in the 25 cards P did for her birthday, and we've painfully worked our way through 39 cards in a little over two weeks.

The next time we get this procrastination thing going, it's not going to be pretty. I've lost all patience for it and so has Mr. mouse. There's not enough hours in the day as it is. We don't need to be blowing up free time we have watching P roll on the floor doing anything but what we ask of her. It's not going to be pretty, but the alternative is even less attractive.

Well, it's Tuesday and I've got a meeting at 10:30 so I need to get started on the day.


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