Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Dear Friends and Family,

To make this week even more trying, it's my grumpy week when anything and everything seems to make me angry. Yesterday's weather was a foul mix of fog and damp cold. Yesterday's dinner tasted like salt. Yesterday's budget review made me feel like we were spiraling out of control. See? Everything seemed to make me angry.

The only thing that made me really really happy was catching up on emails. I had a pile of unread emails and now I have five which is an acceptable number to let sit. They're attachments I need to work on or things I need to take the time to read or forms I need to fill out. I can deal with five.

This morning I rejiggered the budget to make the rest of the month work. And, I guess I'll plow through my water today to get rid of the over-salted feeling. And, hopefully, when all is said and done I'll feel less grumpy. And, if not, I'll at least realize it's my grumpy week.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it's even begun. See the link below for more info.
