Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Things I Think of That Make People Think I'm Crazy

Dear Friends and Family,


This one is on the topic of abortion, that hot button that gets so many people riled up.

I think there's something to be said for states and their interest in protecting life once you can define life. I also think there are people who really do believe it is murder. But, I'm 100% on the side of the right of the woman to made decisions that concern her body, really at any point in time up until and after the baby is born.

This is my idea, which of course would never happen, but in mouse's world it would.

If it's born, and neither parent wants it, they should be able to give it up for adoption. If it's not viable, the woman should be allowed to abort it. If it's viable, the woman should be allowed to have it removed from her body. If someone somewhere has an interest in paying for the baby's care (it's not a fetus anymore, just a very premature baby) and adopting it, they can. It'd essentially be adoption, but of very premature babies.

And, I know exactly what would happen. No one would go this route, because, really, who would want to pay for the cost of neonatal care? Why pay for it when you can get it for free? Let's just force another human being to do something against their will. It's a slippery slope that ends in slavery, but it's apparently one we're okay with.

My world would be different. Someone would have to pay for it or we'd be done fooling ourselves on viability and women could go back to owning their own bodies.


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