Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heat Wave

Dear Friends and Family,

The weather does this to the best of us.

We have a top three. We work on them. We have ups and downs. We work on them. Things come up. We work on them.

Then, the heat hits. And, everything changes.

It's like it becomes your new top 3 - right there - just dealing with the heat. And, if bad news comes? Sorry. Already irritated with the heat. There's no room for bad news. Good news? Sorry. Already irritated with the heat. It doesn't make anything feel any better because whatever news it was didn't solve the heat. And, when things come up? Sorry. Don't have any coping mechanisms left... You know... The heat.

Yes. It's that bad around here. And, we're fortunate. Mr. mouse and P and I are cryogenically preserved during the day thanks to our respective caregivers' generous policy with central air conditioning. We only need to deal with a passable home unit and the car.

I can see why crime goes up when the heat goes up. People are just in a foul mood and it becomes pervasive.

So, time to take a step back and remember, summer is a brief joy. There will be smothering summer days and there will be picture perfect summer days.

I just need to keep telling myself that.


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