Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm not sure. Sometimes I'm convinced I'll do grand things, soar to high heights. But, sometimes I wonder if life isn't better with less ambition. What if my grand goal was simpler? To simply enjoy life, have enough to make ends meet, to be okay with being. Perhaps it's not a bad path.

Speaking of the Dr. Seuss book, P loved it for about three days - asking for it non-stop at home and on the road. Then, one afternoon, I was reading it to her, and we got to the page where the main character hits a lurch, her balloon gets stuck on a tree and the other balloons fly off without her. And, P got really sad. She shed a tear and asked for a hug and didn't want to continue reading the book. Since then, it's been relegated. I don't even see it in her book pile anymore.

She's growing up so quickly. I think this is the last year we get to enjoy of toddler-hood. I think by the time she's three, we'll be well into pre-K land. There's a piece of me that wishes we could press the rewind button and do the last two years all over again. But, there's a piece of me that's okay cherishing the memories and moving on to new adventures with P.

Oh, the places we'll go.


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