Thursday, July 28, 2011

Note to Self: She's Only Two

Dear Friends and Family,

The one thing I can't stand doing with P? Going shopping.

Now keep in mind, I barely can stand shopping in the first place. I'm an in and out as soon as the deed is done kind of shopping person. And, P makes that impossible. She runs around the store like a crazy person and I can't make a half-witted decision to save my life.

Mr. mouse doesn't make it any better. He loves shopping. So, he shops and leaves it to me to run around the store like a crazy person following P. And, since he loves to shop, he then lingers. And, I boil. And, since he loves to shop, he indulges her running. And, I boil over.

That was last night. I was pretty peeved. Then we got home, she was sleeping and I was watching her. And, I remembered, she's only two. And, one day I'll wish she was two again. At the end of a school day, she comes running when I go to pick her up. I get a gleeful, "Mommy!" followed by a giant hug and kiss. And, I guess that trade-off is worth it.

I just need to convince her that running in the store is a bad idea. And, I need to find a way to convince Mr. mouse to give me the space to work with her.


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