Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Potty Training

Dear Friends and Family,

The things you're reduced to when you're a parent...

Do we go cold turkey on P and put her in underwear? Or do we continue to current saga of pull-ups? P doesn't like the potty. She'll use it if we press her, but she's not a big fan. I think it's because it tends to be messier than the diaper. And, she's had a diaper for as long as she can remember, and she doesn't understand why things can't just stay the way they are.

So, she's gotten into the habit of going RIGHT before potty. And, then giving us the "I tried" response to potty. Logically, then, the alternative to potty has to be something she likes even less than potty, which might be wet underwear. I don't think P will be a big fan of wet underwear.

Do we go cold turkey? Perhaps February is a good time. We don't have any big weekend plans. We'll work through our current supply of diapers. P will mature a little bit more.


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