Friday, February 03, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

Looking at my happiness map, I've got a couple of options for what to focus on in February...
  • eating right
  • organizing the house
  • doing tasks
  • doing nothing
  • spending time with family
  • sleeping
  • spending time with friends
  • travelling
  • working
  • saving for retirement
Yep. The 10 primary activities that ultimately lead to a happy mouse.

That's not so bad. And, it all falls under four umbrellas.
  1. financial security
  2. intellectual challenge
  3. being relaxed
  4. when things look good
Top 3 for February (or until I revisit this). Drum roll, please.

Eating right has to be on the list. I need to do this and it takes time. It's, sadly, not overnight.

Organizing the house. We've made a lot of progress on this front. But, I feel like I'll be neglecting other things if I spend a lot of time here, now.

Doing tasks. Actually, our to do list is pretty stable at the moment. So, I'm not feeling a compulsion here.

Spending time with family. Always a good go to top 3. I'll keep it on the back burner and see what else pops.

Spending time with friends. That one has potential. Huh. I need to think on this one.

Travelling. I don't feel like I've got the time or the money to think about this one now. I'll wait until later in the year when we're recovered from the holidays and the IRA contributions.

Working. This one is one to think about. I think I should let the latest round of changes soak in. I have a new boss starting in a couple of weeks. I think I'll put this on the watch list for now, but it's not a priority.

Saving for retirement. This one also has potential. If I wanted to tackle this one, it's not going to be fun. I know we could be saving more. But, we're saving a lot and we're enjoying life. If we save more, in a way, we'll enjoy life less. I don't think there's a ton of fat to cut. I do think the one area we could cut back on is eating out. And, given the focus on eating right, I think that'll happen naturally without us spending a lot of time focused on this arena. There are two things I need to stay on top of - watching the investments and making sure we don't stockpile in cash. We need to be investing our dollars, not holding them in cash. So, work to be done, but not a new priority.

So, where does that leave me?

Potential Top 3
  • eating right
  • spending time with family
  • spending time with friends
There you have it. After much agonizing and rationalizing. My Top 3.


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