Thursday, May 30, 2013

Life Lessons

Dear Friends and Family,

I wonder what happens when parents don't teach their children. Then, when the children become parents, they can't teach their children. And, when those children become parents... Well, the cycle just perpetuates. Until, something breaks the cycle, right?

My parents never taught me the first thing about money. I knew you needed to work to earn money to spend, but that was about it. My first boss and the colleagues at my first job taught me about money. I hope to teach P about putting together a budget and living within her means and saving for retirement and all of the things I learned through fortuitous luck.

My parents never taught me about nutrition. They were immigrants coming from a childhood of war. Food was hard earned. Calories were a blessing. Obesity was unheard of. A little bit of plump was a sign of wealth. Fast forward several decades to this land of plenty, and I needed to spend a lot of time learning about nutrition. P's decent with her fruit. She's pretty poor with her vegetables. She's great with her milk. I hope to teach her about nutrition and more importantly about cooking. My parents never had time to cook. We've turned into people who never have time to cook. Once I leave work, I'm looking forward to having time to cook.

I'm sure there are more lessons to be taught and learned. But, just thinking about my own childhood, those are two I want to pass on to P.


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