Friday, May 26, 2006

Long Weekend Plans

Dear Friends and Family,

It's the Friday before a long weekend!

And, unfortunately, we don't have plans. Or we do, but unlike the millions of Americans kicking off the summer, Mr. mouse and I will be working on the house. This all-consuming, never-ending house. It'd better be worth it. Although, I'm not sure it can be. How do you measure a year's worth of your free time?

Well, we'll be boxing up stuff and moving around furniture and coming up with a punch list of stuff that still needs to be done. The pressure's on, since most of June and early July is already committed to other "stuff". We need to get this done.

Mr. mouse seems to work best under deadlines and pressure. So, I guess it's my job to try and instill one, so we can #$%@! be done with this already.

Uh, is someone feeling hormonal today? Sorry.


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