Thursday, May 18, 2006

A New Spring in Mouse's Step

Dear Friends and Family,

I feel so much better now that the mole is off of my arm and in a jar en route to a biopsy. Keep your fingers crossed.

My dermatologist also removed a corn? callus? from my foot and that felt amazing. He told me which it was, but I've already forgotten. He pared it down with a small knife. I literally feel a new bounce in my step when I walk now. How awesome is that? He told be to continue shaving away at the dead skin cells so they don't build up again. I'm like a new person!

Now that The Mole is behind me, I'm toying with going to the endocrinologist - get the old thyroid a check-up. I've been feeling a little hyper lately, but I'm not sure if it's stress at work, a seasonal thing or something more serious. I'll give it a week or two and see how I feel then. If I still feel off kilter, I might have to go in.


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