Tuesday, March 25, 2008

03.25.08: Counting Down to Friday

Dear Friends and Family,

Friday is our next pee in a cup day. Which means this week, all week, I'll be anxious and excited at the same time.

I'll be traveling next month, so if the results aren't positive on Friday, we'll be past the window of having a mouse (Chinese calendar wise) and into the year of the cow which isn't nearly as exciting.

And, strange as it may seem, I googled conceive on WebMd to find out info on couples who have trouble conceiving and found the technical term for it: infertility. Duh! Well, there are three tests and I believe it's all good on my end. I say that based on some level of fact. I'm 99% sure I ovulate on a regular basis since I have a regular cycle. And, I had an ultrasound recently, after my sister was diagnosed with endometriosis and and the tubes looked good. The third test is for Mr. mouse and it involves a peek at his sperm under the microscope - sounds pretty painless if it comes to that.

I'm not sure any of the infertility treatment options sound all that appetizing. If it doesn't work the old fashioned way, we may just decide to leave well enough alone and enjoy life, just the two of us.

We'll see what Friday brings.


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