Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Chinook and Other Signs of Spring

Dear Friends and Family,

Like Trixie, I'm beginning to feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. However, I'm attributing it to the change in seasons - it feels like we've turned the corner on Old Man Winter and the days are definitely longer. We're just over a week away from the spring solstice!

I felt the first signs of spring on our walk home from the train station on March 2nd. The wind had a distinctly warm tone to it that's pleasant and so different from winter wind. I call it the Chinook, even if it's not technically a Chinook wind. It's close enough for me. We've had some colder days since, and some warmer days. But, definitely it's been a mix vs. cold after cold after cold.

And, to top off the goodness, yesterday, at work, I landed the mother of cool projects. I can't write much about it besides to say I'm super excited. And, my posts may go through a stretch where they're written at all hours of the day and/or evening and I'm 110% okay with that.


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