Friday, March 28, 2008

03.28.08: Baby, Not Maybe

Dear Friends and Family,

Okay. So the pregnancy test came back negative. Great. That, we could have overcome.

The fight that ensued. Well, that's another story altogether. Here's my side of it. The dip stick goes in, the dip stick comes out. There's 90 - 180 seconds of hourglass flashing. And, then the results: Pregnant or Not Pregnant.

Although, I can clearly manage to take the test by myself, we've been taking them together. For me, that moment of discovery is a once in a lifetime moment. You don't get that moment ever again. The first time you find out you're expecting. It's important for me to share that moment. There's so many moments in this you don't get to share. This, this is one you do get to share.

And, Mr. mouse, granted half awake, was just not into it. I get it. I get that I get up earlier than he does. But, seriously, halfway through that 90 second window, he wanted to go to the other bathroom to pee. And, I told him explicitly to go before we took the test. So, I essentially told him to hold it until we're done. Then, he's just looking in the mirror and around the bathroom and waiting. And, I'm like, hello, can we focus on the task at hand and look at the flashing dipstick?

Well, we all know how the test results turn out. And, he's all up in arms that I'm so testy in the morning and showers and leaves for work. Frankly, I'm done. I need no more of this stress and uncertainty and trying and failing and waiting and planning. And, frankly, the morning fights suck. And, this isn't the first we've had. In fact, we had one the last time we took a test together.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I'll be publishing all of the results. On second thought, I'll publish January which is due anyway and sleep on all the rest of this.


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