Monday, August 04, 2008

08.04.08: Day 38

Dear Friends and Family,

Day 38 and no cycle yet. This Wednesday, we pee on a stick again. And, either way, if I don't start we go to see the doctor. Joy oh joy. Did I tell you how much I like having doctor's appointments?

This past month has been especially stressful. First, our doctor's optimistic month that this month is our month - since so many couple's are successful after their HSG. Then, the missing LH Surge. Then, the call from the lab that Mr. mouse needs to repeat his semen analysis. Then, the late LH Surge. Then, the realization that my thyroid levels, while normal, still haven't resulted in my feeling right. Then, the realization that if we don't conceive this month, we're in for another doctor's appointment. And, now, the fact that I'm late, but nothing is showing positive.

Really? I need all this like I need a hole in my head. I think I want to take the month of August off. Doesn't everyone get a birthday treat? Perhaps mine can be a stress free month of being me.


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