Tuesday, August 12, 2008

08.12.08: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 120.5

Progress! Two and a half pounds from goal. This week will be a tough one. Our neighbors are coming in town today. I'm so excited about seeing them and spending time together. But, it'll be tough getting through the week and not adding any poundage. I must remember, I can have as much fun without going on a points spree. They've seen me on Weight Watchers and they're hip with it.

Mindless Eating, Why We Eat More Than We Think
by Brian Wansink

Chapter 2: The Forgotten Food

This chapter starts with the hypothesis: "Your stomach can't count." And, goes on through a series of experiments to show there's a good volume of data to show that it's true. We're not so good at keeping track of what we ate because our stomach isn't the smartest organ in our body. Once the food is off of the plate and in our bellies, our recall is imperfect at best.

Experiment #1: free wings at a Super Bowl party, half the tables are regularly bussed, the other half let the bones pile up. Not surprisingly, the bussed table ate more wings; they didn't have the bones to keep track of what they ate. How much more? 22% more.

Experiment #2: bottomless bowl of soup, four bowls at a table, two regular, two rigged to continually refill from a contraption underneath - truly bottomless soup. The regular bowls ate about nine ounces of soup. The rigged bowls ate about 15 ounces of soup. Now, that's just downright depressing, and kinda funny.

Since the stomach clearly can't count, we rely on how tightly our clothes fit to gauge progress or trigger alarms - both at the meal and over the long haul. And, that's why elastic pants are sinful. They're an accomplice in mindless eating and a fashion tragedy. And, that's why something like Weight Watchers works for me. Clearly my stomach isn't any good at keeping track. But, Weight Watchers forces my brain to get involved in the eating process.


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