Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mouse Pad Progress

Dear Friends and Family,

I have a secret confession. I love getting the mortgage bill each month. It's the one bill we still get by paper. All of our other bills are delivered electronically. Every month, we pay a little more in principal towards our house and a little less in interest. And, each month, the unpaid principal balance drops infinitesimally closer to zero. Owning our home free and clear would be fabulous. And, each mortgage statement brings us one step closer to that.

This month's statement was especially fun to open. We decided with the stock market roller coaster that we would hold off on investing and use the same money to pay down the house. It's a guaranteed rate of return vs. potentially negative returns. We decided to wait for two consecutive months of positive returns on our existing assets to get back in the stock market game. Which means, when I opened this month's statement, we made even more progress towards home ownership since we had an additional principal payment in the calculations.

Life is good.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

well that's definitely a good thing, my dear! good for you! i have decided that now that i have a chunk of cash in my savings acct, i'm going to use my normal savings deposit to pay toward my HELOC. i need to get that sucker down in the next two years and hope that the market recovers enough for me to get the investment back out. ugh! xoxoxo