Friday, August 01, 2008

Never Ending Day with a Happy Ending

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday was one of the longest days ever. I flew down to Dallas on Wednesday night for some customer research. Our arrival was delayed an hour. Then, we went to see the latest Central Market before grabbing a bite to eat and checking in at our hotel. Call it 11:30 by the time I was in my room.

Then, since I had caught up on emails on the flight down, I tried to log on to synch my emails. After much crashing of computer systems and jury rigging of technology, I had my laptop on the wireless network with my blackberry for authentication and my vpn for security. If any one of those fragile systems went down , the computer needed to be restarted and the whole process kicked off again. Call it 1:30 by the time I crawl into bed in a hotel room with a gurgling toilet.

Thursday, I woke up at 5 o'clock on three and a half hours sleep. A broken coffee maker followed by a front desk that doesn't answer the phone kick off my day. The research went swimmingly until the debrief session when I was able to confirm 100% beyond a doubt that one of the people I work with is just a bear and if she dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow I wouldn't be the one spearheading the search party (although I would join, of course, for the record).

Finish at 6:30. Get to the airport a little after 7 for the long wait until our 10PM flight. Yes, our lovely travel policy wouldn't let us spend the extra money for the 9PM flight and I didn't want to cut it close by gunning for the 8PM flight. All is well and good until weather delays our 10PM flight to 12:05AM. Lovely. We land, call it, 2:30AM.

There's a message from Mr. mouse. He's at the airport waiting for me. He came to pick me up! I had been planning on taking a cab home, but, this is even better - especially when I go downstairs and the cab line is empty. We get home sometime between 3:00 and 4:00. Yeah, Mr. mouse!


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