Monday, August 11, 2008

08.11.08: Catch Up Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Another mixed weekend. We got a ton done. We spent some time enjoying summer in the city. And, we've come to realize there are some issues we're having a tough time reconciling as a couple.

Saturday, we got most of our errands crossed off of the list, including cleaning the house (which is easier when you do it every two weeks, it only gets so bad in two weeks) and doing laundry and picking up groceries and a bunch of random errands. Then, we headed out to the 13th Chicago Korean Festival to see my peeps. We saw a fan dance and several traditional drum troupes. My grandfather used to play the drums and I remember going to watch him perform. Will have to add it to the list of things to look forward to next summer - Air and Water Show, Lollapalooza, Run for the Zoo 5K, July 4th fireworks from the deck, Trixie's July visit. I do love summer in the city. I also want to try the Japanese Festival, Annual Ginza Holiday, next year. I should start making the calendar now for next summer.

Sunday, we slept in. Then, we repotted the peppers and ran a couple more errands. We got to the gym and then ate dinner before heading out to West Fest to hear a couple of deejays do their thing. And, our evening devolved from there. Not really sure how to sort through the disaster that's become our personal life. And, not ready to write about it yet. Someday. But, not today.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

ok what else can i say other than *big hug* xoxoxo