Monday, February 16, 2009

02.16.09: Home Alone

Dear Friends and Family,

Sometimes Mr. mouse hears things I have no recollection of saying. Like, when he deleted our entire registry when I asked him to delete two items. And, like when he heard that I was too busy to take vacation in February.

So, due to some poor communication and poor planning on both of our parts, Mr. mouse boarded the jet plane bound for Japan without me for the weekend (work, not leisure). Originally, I thought about going to San Francisco and/or Seattle. But, then one of my friends ended up out of town. Flights ended up full. My uncle ended up sick. And, ultimately, I came down with a cold and couldn't muster up the energy to get motivated.

Instead, we spent Friday night and Saturday morning together. I dropped Mr. mouse off at the airport at noon on Saturday and saw Air Force One sitting on the tarmac. Came home and made a pizza for lunch. I spent the day doing stuff around the house. Nothing ambitious, just quiet time with Pioneer. The highlight was a call with my cousin. It was good catching up with her.

Dinner was rice with chicken and an Asian pear for dessert. I watched some TV and then crawled into bed. And, that's when the water works started. I wrote Mr. mouse a long letter and fell asleep exhausted.

Mr. mouse called when he landed. And, we spoke briefly on the phone before he headed out to dinner. Then, I spent a couple of sleepless hours on the computer before we spoke again and I napped.

Sunday, I spent some time organizing and some time working on a couple of projects and turned in early for the night.

Still feeling congested. Hope to feel better soon.


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