Friday, February 27, 2009

02.27.09 (Week 29, Day 7): Entering Week 30

Dear Friends and Family,

The weeks are beginning to fly by. And, Pioneer is growing like a weed. They've gotten to the point that when I'm reading and my arm is resting on my belly, if they kick, my book moves.

My stomach is running out of room. As a result, my meals have shrunk and my burps have returned. Sleep is getting a little less comfortable, but I'm still managing a full night's sleep.

And, last but not least, I'm getting to the point where I realize my days alone with Pioneer are numbered. When this week is over, the serious countdown begins. 10, 9, 8...

Your baby measures about 17 inches from head to toe and weighs about 3 pounds. Baby is growing plumper and beginning to control its own body temperature. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed, and hair on the head is getting thicker. Head and body are now proportioned like a newborn's. Hands are now fully formed and fingernails are growing.

Your uterus is about four inches above your navel, and it's hard to believe you still have about 10 weeks to go as baby continues to push on your ribs. You may be feeling more discomfort in your pelvis and abdomen. You'll probably be gaining about a pound a week.

Tip for the Week
The membranes around the baby that contain the amniotic fluid are called the bag of waters. They usually do not break until just before the onset of labor, but if it does break prematurely, your risk of infection increases so call your practitioner immediately.

What's Happening Inside You?
At the end of the seventh month, fat begins to be deposited on your baby. Your baby is about 14 inches long and weighs from 2 to 4 pounds. Your baby's hearing is fully developed and he or she changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain and light

The amniotic fluid begins to diminish.

If born prematurely, your baby would likely survive after the seventh month.


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