Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Home Alone II: Sick Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

What a miserable day yesterday was. My cold got worse. In addition to being totally congested, I picked up an intermittent cough and a bad earache in my right ear. Happiness and joy.

I called the doctor's office to check and they didn't seem overly concerned. So, I'm assuming minus the constant jostling Pioneer is getting from the sneezing, they're doing okay. Speaking of Pioneer, sometime between Friday and yesterday, they either shifted or had a growth spurt, because I'm certainly bigger than I was just a handful of days ago.

Mr. mouse comes home today. I have to admit, I missed him more than I thought I would. It must be the pregnancy hormones, since it was a normal occurrence in our not too distant past.

Hope today is a better day than yesterday.


PS: Mr. mouse called this morning. I missed his call. But, he called again. It was really good to hear his voice.

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