Thursday, February 19, 2009

If it Can Happen to a Friend, it Can Happen to Us

Dear Friends and Family,

Sorry for the late post. On a business trip and we were out late last night and hence off to a late start this morning.

Old work is going through lay-offs. And, a friend just wrote to tell me that they were impacted. I know we're planning a second round of lay-offs at the end of this month. And, I know someone who will be impacted, but doesn't know yet. And, I have a friend who was laid off in the auto industry. And, another in the housing industry. And, one in the banking industry. And, well, the list is long and only getting longer.

This is the hard part about the crisis in confidence the nation is facing. It's hard not be affected. Even if you keep your job, you can't help planning for the what-ifs when people around you are affected.

This will be an interesting time to look back on in a decade or two or three.


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