Monday, July 12, 2010

07.12.10: Weddings (2 of 3)

Dear Friends and Family,

We made it. After a couple of busts, we made it. P hasn't been the best traveler as of late. But, this time we made it out and back without incident.

Mr. mouse's step brother's wedding was this past weekend. It was at a small place in upstate New York. The wedding was in a small hollow by a burbling brook. The cocktail hour was in an old barn lit up with huge paper lanterns. Dinner was under a tent lit with four large chandeliers. I left inspired to want to do something similar on our roof deck. It was so beautiful.

Sunday, we flew back and spent the day at home with P. She napped, ate lunch, had a bath, played, went shopping, had milk, napped, ate dinner, and then fought Mr. mouse until 12:30 before falling asleep.

She's learned a new word. We call shoes shin bal which is Korean for shoes. Technically, according to google, it's gudu, but, we've been using shin bal. Well, P points to her shoes now and says bal whenever she sees her shoes. She loves wearing them and gets upset with us because we don't let her wear shoes inside the house.

She's also consistently using the word ba for both bottle (which is understandable) and cup (which is the same thing to her, I guess). She'll point to it and then say ba and then sometimes because she thinks we're not the sharpest tools in the shed she'll follow up with moa (more) in both verbal and sign language. Our little girl's growing up.

And, last but not least, she's unequivocally shown consistent play. We bought her a toy boat with two people. She takes the two people and puts them in the boat. If we take them out, she opens the boat and tosses them back in. She then takes the flag and the life boat and uses the flag as a spoon, mixing up something or other in the life boat which she uses as a bowl and tasting it occasionally. Too cute.

Day one in the new room. Time to get ready so I've got a couple of extra minutes with her.


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