Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Big Girl Room Transition: Day 2

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, P spent two hours with the toddlers, after breakfast until before lunch, before returning to her comfort zone of the infant room.

From what I can gather, she did okay with the transition. She bawled for the first five minutes which was only to be expected of our little drama queen. Then, she found her BFF out on the playground and the two of them played with a toad and some leaves. She found her groove, I think, and was okay for the rest of her time, I think.

Today, she's in the room for three or so hours from after breakfast until after lunch, before returning to her comfort zone of the infant room.

My day was chock a block full of stuff yesterday so I didn't have a ton of time to worry about how P's day was going which was a good thing. There's only so much a helicopter mom can do in one day.


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