Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Toddler Tricks

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse had dinner with a work colleague so I had the evening alone with P.

She slept half of the way home and quietly watch the passing scenary the other half of the ride home.

I fed her dinner - lots of beans, some turkey, some bread and then half of my yogurt.

Then, when we played, she did a couple of funny things that only a mother can care about.

She kissed one of the characters in a book she's been reading. She sat down when I said sit. She made fire engine noises when she picked up her fire engine. And, she kissed monkey and held her when I put her down in her crib. See, things only a mother can care about.

I have to wonder what is going through her head these days. She spends a lot more time at home reading than playing. She pulls her books out looking for a book she likes, then she sits down, opens the book, flips through some pages, and then puts the books down and goes for the next one. Sometimes she'll pause on pages and make comments. Sometimes she'll just look intently. Sometimes she'll come over to ask you to read. Almost all times she'll reorient the book if it's upside down. Sometimes we let her read on her own. Sometimes we volunteer comments. I can tell there's a lot going on in that noggin of hers, I just don't know what.


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